Insight HR Consulting
Webinar Series
This is a four part webinar series about navigating COVID-19. This series includes 4 impactful topics:
Talent & Workforce Management Evolves in Response to Covid-19: Perspectives on Talent’s New Normal
Returning to Work during the
COVID-19 Pandemic
HR Insights from leaders on the
front lines of COVID-19:
Working in Essential Business
Furloughs, Layoffs, and Reduction in Hours in the COVID-19 climate
Video Length: 45:00SHRM Activity ID: 20-K4VGJ
Talent & Workforce Management Evolves in Response to Covid-19: Perspectives on Talent’s New Normal
Many business have adapted to a remote workforce and have acquired a new perspective on organizational capabilities. We will visit trending topics and thought-provoking perspectives evolving in Talent and Workforce Management in response to COVID-19.
New Norms
Virtual Employees
Virtual Interviews
Human Resources mobilized to support a remote workforce
Talent Management
Employer Branding
Talent Acquisition transitions during COVID-19
Workforce Management
Video Length: 36:00SHRM Activity ID: 20-65QZS
Returning to Work During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Many businesses are currently working from home or shut down due to COVID-19. The Governor has moved to phase II and stay at home regulations have begun to lighten. This training will cover some of the pitfalls and things to look out for while preparing to return to work.
Phase II of the Governors’ plan and how it affects your workplace
How to navigate unemployment insurance with returning to work
Disability & FFCRA for employees impacted by COVID-19
Potential for reduced at home workforce and employee screening procedures
Disinfecting, cleaning measures, and social distancing protocol
Video Length: 47:00
HR Insights from Leaders on the Front Lines of Covid-19: Working in an Essential Business
Our guest panelist Nicole Arvizu, Chief Human Resources & Compliance Officer, will share front line experience encompassing:
Building a high touch experience in an active workplace
Developing rapid policies and communication tools
Temperature screening management and mitigation
Perspective on returning to work
Video Length: 28:00
Furloughs, Layoffs, and Reduction in Hours in the Covid-19 Climate
Learn how to navigate the differences of furloughs, and layoffs and potential compliance pitfalls when making these decisions.